Monday, July 11, 2011

Bersih Kotor Kaya Jam

Well, am pretty sure most of you guys knows what going on with the Bersih gig. And only a tiny portion of you people don't know shit about it, or just heard the word Bersih recently. Well, for that tiny portion of you, fret not, as me here, will tell you something about me and Bersih. Just like you all, I don't know shit of what its about. All I know is anyone with yellow is a suspect and that made me think twice of wearing my yellow T out that day. And the worse part is I also have a yellow umbrella in my car!!!

Well all that aside, in my mind, BERSIH is not related to RIOT, well, not yet at least. But it BERSIH does relate to JAM!! Hate the jam last week, but lucky enough was away during the whole commotion on work related stuff, thank you boss!!

Anyways, no pictures this time, cause I don't know shit about it and don't give 2 cent about it, wait, I can't give 2 cent anymore, okay, can't give 5 cent about it. HAHAHA