If any of you don't know, Elmo and Little Karen are from Kuching, and are currently in MMU Cyberjaya pursuing their studies, one is in the final year while the other has just started her freshman year.
So it is usual that I accept their rant about how terrible wantan mee is, and how they miss their kolo mee, tomato mee, cendol (thats me), etc. So upon noticing Vkeong's recommendation some time ago, we finally went there to dine during lunch yesterday.
Well, what you see here is the stall, if you cant wait for it, scroll down to the link, headsteadi can direct you on how to get there better than me.
Well, this is a picture of the stall, the menu.
Elmo complained that its very expensive, RM4.30, when back at Kuching its just RM2++ or RM3++ at most. Well, uncle need to import the mee from Kuching, so that might contribute to the price.
The only thing that Elmo complain is that it is a little too salty. But overall, its the best Kolo Mee we tasted here in Selangor.

The uncle was really kind, when I went and ask for more chilli, and told him we all (three of us) like chilli, he asked me to wait and go back to my seat, then he came back with this.
You can refer to headsteady for directions to here.
So it is usual that I accept their rant about how terrible wantan mee is, and how they miss their kolo mee, tomato mee, cendol (thats me), etc. So upon noticing Vkeong's recommendation some time ago, we finally went there to dine during lunch yesterday.
Well, what you see here is the stall, if you cant wait for it, scroll down to the link, headsteadi can direct you on how to get there better than me.

The uncle was really kind, when I went and ask for more chilli, and told him we all (three of us) like chilli, he asked me to wait and go back to my seat, then he came back with this.

Yummy~ but wantan mee in KL is tasty and I heard of it Cyberjaya's food isn't yummy... =.=''
Yup, Cyber aint got nice food. At least nothing cheap that is. Hehe. Well, to them wantan is like durian to me, if you don't like it, you won't like it. Hehe
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