Well, this is what my hamster cage currently looks like, but mine is green though, that was the only colour available.

This here I believe is Habitrail Suite which consist of OVO pad, OVO transport hub, OVO tower, and OVO water. A suite like this could cost around RM150.

62600 Habitrail Ovo Pad RM 83.80
62610 Habitrail Ovo Suite RM 154.80
62690 Habitrail Ovo Tower RM 35.50
62691 Habitrail Ovo Adventure Pack RM 68.20
62660 Habitrail Ovo Maze Blue RM 69.60
62665 Habitrail Ovo Maze Pink RM 69.60
62675 Habitrail Ovo Den RM 14.20
62670 Habitrail Transport Unit RM 27.00
62715 Habitrail Ovo Cube RM 9.50
62720 Habitrail Ovo Tee RM 7.10
62725 Habitrail Ovo Curve RM 7.10
62730 Habitrail Ovo Elbow RM 5.70
62710 Habitrail Ovo U-Turn RM 7.10
62705 Habitrail Ovo 10 Inch Tube RM 9.50
62701 Habitrail Ovo Window RM 9.90
62700 Habitrail Ovo Lock RM 11.40
62680 Habitrail Ovo Water Bottle RM 19.90

Do you want to know why I like Habitrail OVO so much, its due to these 2 pics, just look at how nice it is, ok, I know its a marketing GiG, I am a marketing student you know.. But what I really like is the next pic!!

Would you just look at how cute the Hammie is while drinking. OMFG!!!
Package A - Habitrial OVO PAD + Mini Maze (Retail Price: RM90 + RM30)
Package Include:1. Full Set Habitrial OVO Pad 2. Habitrial Mini Maze
Add On:1. WW Hamster (RM15 each - up to maximum 2)2. Hamster Toilet (RM5)3.
Hamster wheel (RM8)*
Please check with me on availability. For add on items
pictures, kindly refer to the thread below.
Description: There are some parts in this set contain defects.
1. Bite mark at tube (below water bottle), main opening and hidden area hole.Reason: Plastic bitten by hamsterSolution: no severe damages. Solution not necessary.
2. Wheel screw missingReason: The front screw has been replaced with a real screw and working well.Solution: A real screw is used to fix it. No problem with the wheel at all.
3. Broken handle at mini mazeReason: handle broken when opening the mini maze.Solution: Stick a tape is recommended to avoid the opening at the mini maze from falling down.

Ok, I know the quality is far from what you see in the promo pic, and it is rather faulty, but this is as cheap as it gets, that day when me and Elmo went to the nearby pet store and survey the price, Habitrail OVO pad cost RM100 while Habitrail OVO Transport Hub cost RM30++. Though I am not getting the transport hub, I think I will get it in the near future. Hehe.
Package C - Habitrial OVO Suite (Retail Price: RM180)
Package Include:1. Full Set Habitrial OVO Pad
Add On:1. WW Hamster (RM15 each - up to maximum 2)2. Hamster wheel (RM8)3.
Hamster Toilet (RM5)*
Please check with me on availability.
For add on items pictures, kindly refer to the thread below.Description:
There are only ONE part in this set contain defects.
1. Bite mark Transporting Unit.
Reason: Plastic bitten by hamster
Solution: no severe damages. Solution not necessary.

These are the baby hamster! I will be getting a hold on them hopefully early next month! In case if you were wondering, their DOB is August 2nd 2009!

If you would like some info, you could visit the following link:
Those ovo cages are pretty to look at but could be difficult to clean and not to mention easier to break compared to the traditional cages.
Furthermore, I believe the hamsters would appreciate if more they have metal bars to climb instead of walking round and round in the ovo.
Btw, if it's Syrian hamster that you're keeping, be informed that they are solitary/territorial and will fight to their death when matured.
Just my two cents.
Haha, I used to house my (one) Syrian in the first cage, the purple one, but gave it away, the comments and threads/blogs I found suggests the best place to house Syrian is in a 2ft tank, cuz it likes to bite on the metal cage, thus poisoning.
Now waiting for my new (two, same sex) WW, gettn in early next month from breeder
this cage looks like for 1 hammie oly =(
that cage is supposed to be for dwarf hamsters
Yes, currently housing my winter white in it
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