Last Wednesday was working in office like the usual, but this time, there is a little difference. The night before me and Elmo went to Nuffnang's Premier of UP, after that went to Puchong Neway for what else! Sleep. Then left about 2.45am, went back home and slept at 3something.
So that explains why I fell asleep while working (my boss better don't frequent my blog). While sleeping I had this weird dream!!
I dreamt of Flik from A Bug's Life, and what I dreamt of is I tried to stomp the like out of it. 

Seconds later, when I look above me, there was a toilet bowl came crashing, and BAM!!! I was dead (lucky there was no gooey stuff in it).

Then Hopper died and all the other followers ran away.
While escaping, they block the view of a van, the van crash into the pet store.

When I opened my eyes, first thing I thought was, lucky no sh** on me, toilet bowl drop ma. Then second thought was lucky boss not in. Lastly only thought of the dream, but ignored it. Look at the time, its 1pm, go down mamak have lunch, got new people moving in next door.
Saw an ant, tried to kill it, suddenly, dejavu!
Took a step back, bam, a cat died, piang! Flik died. So the grasshoper are saved, the van driver is safe, and super bug is safe..
Good news is, I saved lifes, bad news is, they won't know/believe me.
Then I remembered Final Destination 1 & 2 & 3 & 4!!!

OH SH**!!! That means I am the 1st to die among us, quickly grab my handphone (snap a pic of the horrified me to post on Nuffnang), snapped a pic and

Or should it be continued?
dropping by from innit
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