Google maps needs no further introduction, so here are my routes for Sunday. Well I was in office (Unified Advertising) while Elmo was at Taman Pertanian with few other friends. Moments before wrapping up the day, Elmo said there was an accident and her friend is being treated at a nearby Hospital, its next to Plaza Shah Alam (we refer at it as Plaza MASALAM ok!). After settling everything, I had to answer a call, nature's call. So ended up meeting at the petrol station nearby. Then discussed about what to eat, heck! If you were my friends, I would just bring you guys to Ali's Corner (Mamak) to eat, cheap and good. At least definitely cheaper than Bak Kut Teh. But why I didn't voice out, cause they were the kind of rich (Spoilt) kids, imagine they can go eat Ah Xian Dim Sum for breakfast, ok la, but they really know how to enjoy la.


After cleaning and drying the cage, I spent about 30minutes to come up with different layout of the tubes., when I thought I was finally done (satistfied), only did I remember that I'm going to get a Habitrail OVO pad from LalaBubbles, so I had to redesign the tubes again so when I get my hand on the OVO, I can just plug it in without much hassle.
Cant wait to get the Winter White la, if you were wondering what the Hamsters look like, here is 2picture of them. One grey, one almost full white, and the rest is white with a little grey near the butt. I wonder which 1 Elmo wants? Full White? or anyone?
cute hamsters
Hehe, thx
can i choose on the spot?
Next week I get him take a few pic then let you choose, now have to wait to see gender 1st. Next week only can know gender
i want to see on spot..see which one love me the most!
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