Heart melts while looking at all these cute pet pictures.
Here we have a pure breed Dwarf Hotot bunny, isn't it cute?

Next we have the loyal pet cat who accompanies you while studying.

I bet he/she is mom's favourite!

Lol, this is really a priceless pic la!!

Bolt the name
Jolt the game

After looking at these two enjoying, I really feel like want to get my Winter White ASAP!!!

Heres some update on the Winter White that I will be getting!!
They are now 24 days old, going to get them in about 10more days.
I wonder if you notice, but they are indeed tame, not because it is not biting, and not because it is sitting there quietly to be pat (well, both are true when they are tame), but the main thing to be notice is, the hamster at the back, trying to climb up the owner's hand. So cute!!!
Love the cat and the hamsters ^^.
cute animals.. =)
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