Ok, lets start of with the main cast and crew:
@ Kate - Vera Farmiga
@ John - Peter Sarsgaard
@ Esther (- sabelle Fuhrman
@ Daniel - Jimmy Bennett
@ Max Coleman - Aryana Engineer
@ Directed by - Jaume Collet-Serra (“House of Wax”)
@ Screenplay by - David Leslie Johnson
@ Story by - Alex Mace
@The behind-the-scenes creative team is led by
¤ Director of photography Jeff Cutter
¤ Production designer Tom Meyer
¤ Editor Tim Alverson
¤ Costume designer Antoinette Messam
¤ Composer John Ottman
It all started with a miscarriage, they have lost their child, the eldest would be a boy called Daniel and followed by a daughter who is hearing impaired, Max. The third addition was supposed to be Jessica, but she has passed away while still in the womb of her mother. Now she resides (ashes scatted) at the garden (greenhouse) which is visible from the room of the parents.
Time has passed, and they decide to adopt a child, they want to give the love that was suppose to be given to Jessica, to someone who really needs it, an ORPHAN!
How they end up with Esther? This you have to watch it yourselves!
The one and only problem Esther has with people is when they tried to take/touch the ribbons at her neck/wrist, there is a very simple explanation as why a 9year-old girl will freak out like that. Again, I won't spoil it for you.
Similair to Pedophile, Esther mastermind her way using poor little Max. Max looks so adorable, and me and Elmo likes it most when she was being innocent, like 'you tricked me'. Really adorable!
Skipping all the mid part (boring), lets fast forward to the exciting part, here is where she burns evidence, as in literally BURN EVIDENCE. Nothing can be left which would trace it back to her.
Soon after the fire, in the hospital, lets just skip the whole thing and sum it up in a sentence.
Kate was sedated by the orderly for bit** slapping Esther.
Lets just say Kate was the only one not being manipulated all this time, or maybe I should say, she is not chosen to be manpulated, instead, she is the chosen one to view the truth.
But its too late for her family though, after learning the truth about Esther from the Saarne Institute, she hurried back to save her family, only reaching a dead husband!

After watching this movie, me and Elmo head back to the car, there wasn't much car left, but the shitty thing is, our car is so far away and no car was near us. Feels like something bad gonna happen, but all I can say is that lucky we didn't watch some Asian Horror movie, if we did, we might freak out a little.
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