Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Movie Review: Piranha

Definitely a good movie, or at least because I was so sick and tired of croc movies. Everytime you see some water creature terrorizing, its either snake or crocs, the later dominates the scene for the past few years.

Apart from the usual sex appeal, I like the gory part very, very much, at least that explain why I laughed when others are covering their eyes or screaming.
Just to take your mind off the previous picture

The thing about these kind of movies is you can actually predict whats going to happen. But at least I like the part where 'they are just babies'.

If anything is for sure, please do not watch this in cinema, they cut so much, I mean its one thing you cut those sexy stuff, but the bloody!! I want to watch that even more! So please blame me for supporting TPB so I can enjoy more women splitting in half and gushing bloods and bones.