Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Alien probing!!!

Anyone know District 9? Or Area 51? Or Roswell? Independence Day? Day after tomorrow? Ok ok, you would most definitely know X-Files. Alright, if you don't know X-files, what about MIB (Men in Black) by Will Smith?

All about paranormal alien activity, but I forgot which one or maybe some other movie/series that mentioned Alien Kidnap. But the first thing that comes in mind is why would they want to kidnap us? Since they can travel to other planets, this would mean they have far better technology then us, so why kidnap us? Ransom? Study? Study how to get dumber? I wonder, what if they kidnaped dumb and dumber. What would the study end up like? Or Paris Hilton. Haha

Kkk, lets move onto the main topic, District 9. Aliens are now settlers in South Africa's District 9, the world are anticipating a lot of things, some are wondering will an attack commence? Some are eager to gain knowledge of the advance technology. Are they threat? Or will they help us advance our technologies? Can we co-exist?
Who knows what will happen, but what we know is that they are the LAST survivors of their planet, heck, who knows why. Did they screw up like we humans did? Toxic waste, pollution, global warming, etc!!! Did they got attacked? What happened to their planet?
If they screw up, co-existing with them might be good and might be bad, they have learnt their lessons the hard way, so they might be able to give us some pointers on what to do. The bad is, won't living with them accelerate the process of global disaster? More pollution etc.
But what if they got attacked? Shouldn't we pity them, help them? But if we shelter them, won't we be targeted as well. So what to do?
All I am doing now is guessing, from what I have read. So to know more, why, what cause, what will happen, go watch Distric 9 produced by Peter Jackson.

If you want to find out more through nuffnang about D9 click here Nuffnang + D9