If given a choice, what would you choose? A cool looking race car such as the Ferrari, an American muscle like the Mustang, Japanese muscle Nissan GT-R35, comfort like BMW?
I would like to go for either an BMW (M5) or Nissan GT-R35. But right this moment I would go for Nissan GT-R35 as it serves pretty much everything, good cornering, good traction, and definitely superior comfort.
I would like to go for either an BMW (M5) or Nissan GT-R35. But right this moment I would go for Nissan GT-R35 as it serves pretty much everything, good cornering, good traction, and definitely superior comfort.
The ultimate question goes like this, would you like a car which looks cool (stiff suspension - bumpy) or a horrendous one (soft suspention - cushion)? Bumpy being everytime you hit a hole on the road, you really feel it at you butt, cushion on the other hand, when you hit a hole on the road, the suspension acts as a cushion and absorb it instead of your butt. Obviously your butt will still feel it regardless of types of suspension, the difference is to what level is your butt aching like..
So, cushion or bumpy? Cushion gives lousy cornering (dangerous) while bumpy has superb handling (safe). Just imagine a
go kart (bumpy + safe), is very safe around the corners, but hurts your butt, while
Toyota Harrier (cushion + dangerous) can overturn and kill you in corners, but your butt will be pampered.

So should I opt for comfort?
Mix and match of comfort and stiffer suspension?
Or just brutal cornerning?

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