After getting back home, feeling kind of tired, I found this car parked in my parking bay (Cyberia D-23A-A), its ok if you park there for awhile, but at least when you park at someone else's parking bay, please be alert, especially when you hear people honking! When you hear it, the least you could do is come out, say sorry, and move your car as fast as you can. But NO, the owner of this car, has disappeared, and it is almost midnight now and no one has yet to come and drive the car away.
If you are not going to be able to pay attention when people's honk, or you simply do not plan to care, please park at the designated VISITORS' CAR PARK!! It is not actually very far from my parking bay anyway! I really don't understand why people like to park at someone's parking bay and just go away like it is his/hers. I swear, if I was not so civilised, I would puncture three of his tyre and make sure I empty his engine oil, all I need to do is get a container, large enough to contain about 4litres of liquid, and unbolt the nut which is accessible to anyone if you would just bend down and look under the engine bay of most car.
But being the person I am, I am giving this person a grace period, if he/she don't move it away by the time I finish this post, I would have no choice but to go and get the security and clamp his/her car. And those who hold a the VISITOR PASS, are not even allowed to be in Cyberia after MIDNIGHT!
I took the liberty of getting an insurance if anything were to happen to my car in the coming future if the car below is clamped for parking in my parking area (they can just come and have their sweet revenge at my car since my car would be naked to their attacks), by snapping the following pictures.
As you can see the parking bay next to mine is D-23-B
And so, the end, I am going to ask the security to clamp his car now. Though it will pose a problem to me as I have to WALK to the guard house which is at the front, but at least it will cure my rage for now!